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Together We Are Reaching for the Stars for Winston County Schools Through ...


We must look to the future, as well as the present, as we plan for our facilities and growth. The building programs at each campus are underway, and it is exciting to see much needed structures and improvements beginning to take shape.

Stars We Have Reached During the Past Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Added 16 buses to the transportation fleet
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Addison – Construction is approved and in progress for a multi-purpose building at the football field, a lobby expansion on the existing gymnasium, parking lot, walkway with canopy and rerouting of traffic to the gymnasium.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Double Springs – Construction is approved and in progress for a gymnasium at Double Springs Middle School.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Lynn – Construction is approved and in progress for a cafeteria to serve both Lynn High School and Lynn Elementary
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Meek – Construction is approved and in progress for a six-classroom addition to the elementary school, a connection to existing buildings, and a multi-purpose addition to the gymnasium.
Stars We Are Reaching For In The Next Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Purchase air conditioned buses as buses are replaced.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Complete the projects at each campus and put them to use by the students of Winston County.
Together, we can anticipate the completion of the much needed additional room and improvements at every one of our schools. At every campus, the building program includes facilities that the citizens, as well as the students, will enjoy on a regular basis and for many years to come.

Input from all stakeholders in the decision-making process, brings about the best outcome for our schools. Where there are more ideas, opinions, and viewpoints expressed, there is an increased probability of an outcome that will meet the needs of many, rather than only a few.
Stars We Have Reached During the Past Four Years

REACHING FOR THE STARS! Established a fair-hiring practice that allows each school to recommend prospective teachers for employment to the superintendent based upon the screening and interviewing by a committee of administrators, teachers, and community representation.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Made Adequate Yearly Progress through the hard work and collaboration of all levels of the educational system.
Increased student attendance by the work of our truancy officer, administration, and parents
Upgraded safety plans for each school resulting from committee work by faculties, staff, and community resource personnel.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Encouraged teachers to pursue the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification.
Developed process for gaining input from all employees on school calendar prior to presenting to the Board for approval.

Stars We Are Reaching For In the Next Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Develop an off-campus parent resource center.
Together, we can make our system even better through continued collaboration which draws upon the strengths of each person involved.

We must seek every opportunity to establish and practice two-way communication between our schools and the public.  With so many types of communication methods available, this is attainable.
Stars We Have Reached During the Past Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Established School Eve for parents and students to meet everyone who will be a part of the student’s school day and to become familiar in the surroundings.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Installed School Check-In technology at all schools which assesses safety when visitors check in at our schools. 
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Developed a school-system website,, that provides a vast amount of current, vital information to the public. 
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Included lists of commendations of students, faculty, and staff on the Board’s agenda each month.  Commendations to be included are sent in by each school.
Stars We Are Reaching For In The Next Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! To add a school messaging capability to our communication plan which will notify parents by telephone of school closings, updates, etc. within a timeframe of 90 seconds.

Together, we can accomplish so much more when we take the time to communicate with each other.

We must seek to improve the curriculum and its delivery as formal assessments and research indicate. This is an on-going opportunity for educators to mold coursework to the individual student’s learning style.
Stars We Have Reached During the Past Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Enhancement of Alabama Reading Initiative and implementation of Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Increased math and science scores through River Deep technology labs.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Increased 7th and 8th grade reading scores through the services of two reading instructors.
REACHING FOR THE STARS!Higher passage rates on the graduation exam through the assistance of the SOAR program.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Increased graduation rate through credit recovery programs and graduation coach.
Stars We Are Reaching For In The Next Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Continue to increase dual enrollment offerings to enable students to gain college credit while taking high school credit courses.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Offer distance learning classes to students to broaden elective offerings.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Provide distance learning opportunities to community and civic groups.

Together, we can improve the curriculum and its delivery by offering course work in a variety of methods and delivery formats in Winston County Schools.

We must manage well the limited funds that are available for public education, and seek additional resources in order to provide opportunities beyond the basics to meet the needs and interests of our students.
Stars We Have Reached During The Past Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Reserves of one-month’s operating expenses have been met and maintained as required by the Alabama Legislature.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Grants totaling over $1,000,000 have been awarded and put directly into our schools. Every $1 received in grants is $1 saved for our local taxpayers.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! A partnership with the Smith Lake Arts Council has been formed for upcoming arts education.
REACHING FOR THE STARS!A partnership with Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) provided a welding program for students at Winston County Technical Center as recommended by the business community.
Stars We Are Reaching For In The Next Four Years
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Develop new partnerships with organizations such as Children’s Coalition for drug education and after-school enrichment programs.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Aggressively seek additional grant opportunities to enhance available instructional materials and equipment.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Monitor and maintain ample fund reserves to enable Winston County Schools to continue to provide quality education in challenging economic times.
REACHING FOR THE STARS!Continue to collaborate within our system to make the best use of all available resources.
Together, we can manage the funds that are available,
and seek additional funds to meet the needs of
Winston County Schools.

We must provide opportunities for our students to develop skills in the use of technology to ensure that they become global learners.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Mobile Laptops have been placed in all elementary and middle schools.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Distant Learning Labs have been placed in all high schools and middle schools.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Allocations of $25,000 per year to one high school and one elementary/middle school have been made on a rotation basis.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Mobile laptops will be placed in all high schools.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Distant learning labs will be placed in all elementary schools.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! One-to-one laptop Initative will place a laptop with each student.
REACHING FOR THE STARS! Community learning opportunities will be provided in the distance learning labs located at each school.
Paid Pol Adv by Sue Reed
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