HBTV 5 & HBTV.us - News & Information!
HBTV 5 & HBTV.us - News & Information!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 • 10 AM
A tree on 15th Avenue was blown down by a storm three years ago and in addition to damaging a house, the uprooted tree also took out water and gas lines. In order to repair the lines, the street was dug up as far down as the intersection of 15th Avenue and 21st Street (Hwy 195). As a result, the traffic light sensors were destroyed and were not
replaced because the street had not been properly resurfaced. Once the street was repaved, theDepartment of Transportation was notified and finally the project was worked in. The end result should be better traffic flow on Highway 195, especially passing the intersections of 14th and 15th Avenues. Until the sensors were replaced, the lights were timed, often stopping traffic on Highway 195, even though there was no traffic waiting at the side streets.
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